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  1. #1
    Super Moderador

    Fecha de ingreso
    27 Feb, 14

    Forzar Reset Dreamlink T2


    1. Unzip "" and store it to root folder(top folder) of your usb Stick memory.
    2. Insert it to your STB (Dreamlink T2 or Formuler Z7+)
    3. Power on STB with keep clicking channel up button on remote.
    4. STB will start auto recorvery.
    5. Wait until all processes are done and reboot.
    .That is all.
    * Important notice when it's failed. *
    Be sure recovery facinit file is stored to your USB memory stick.
    Check your usb stick memory if this _"recorvery_facinit" is still there.
    This file will disappear after one time use. so, you should check if this file is on the usb before starting factory recovery.




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