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  1. #1
    Super Moderador

    Fecha de ingreso
    27 Feb, 14

    por si acaso, para los usuarios con mag

    para k esten enterados por si acaso, anda un comunicado de infomir donde informan k blokearan portales

    el portal de la casa corre bajo stalker de xtream codes, el de infomir es diferente, no tengo idea de si llegaran a blokear afectara o no

    aki el comunicado:
    tomenlo como informacion, no es para k se alarmen, en caso de llegar a blokear el portal en la mag, tienen la opcion de lista o bien usando siptv


  2. #2
    Ayudante Experto

    Fecha de ingreso
    14 Jun, 15
    Pues fÃ*jate que nfps y otros servers más estan en la lista negra de infomir desde hace mucho tiempo atrás.
    ''si quieres algo que nunca tuviste, debes hacer algo que nunca hiciste.''

  3. #3
    Miembro VIP

    Fecha de ingreso
    18 Feb, 15
    Cita Iniciado por terryble Ver mensaje
    para k esten enterados por si acaso, anda un comunicado de infomir donde informan k blokearan portales

    el portal de la casa corre bajo stalker de xtream codes, el de infomir es diferente, no tengo idea de si llegaran a blokear afectara o no

    aki el comunicado:
    tomenlo como informacion, no es para k se alarmen, en caso de llegar a blokear el portal en la mag, tienen la opcion de lista o bien usando siptv

    no ames weee ya paso el dia delos inocentes

  4. #4
    Ayudante Experto

    Fecha de ingreso
    14 Jun, 15
    Cita Iniciado por serafin1 Ver mensaje
    no ames weee ya paso el dia delos inocentes

    Infomir, the manufacturer of the popular MAG range of set-top boxes, says it will block the portals of suspected copyright-infringing IPTV providers following complaints from copyright holders. While MAG devices are used to access plenty of legal services, the news will come as a blow to large numbers of customers who use the very capable devices to access unauthorized platforms.

    Over the past couple of years, unauthorized IPTV services have been making their presence known in the ‘pirate’ TV space.

    As recently reported pirate IPTV services are accessed by 5.5% of US and Canadian households. The range of content is phenomenal, with few – if any – official entertainment companies in a position to compete.

    Such services are typically accessed via set-top boxes, from ubiquitous Android-based platforms through to dedicated IPTV hardware. None of these devices are designed to be infringing but with the addition of third-party services, they can be transformed into piracy powerhouses.
    For those looking for a premium IPTV experience, the MAG box range from Ukraine-based Infomir are the tools of choice. The compact devices are used by thousands of consumers to access legitimate content via a beautiful interface but like any such hardware, these boxes can also be used to access infringing streams.

    Infomir has understandably distanced itself from this kind of illicit consumption but until now doesn’t appear to have interfered with the choices of its customers. Moving forward, however, it’s clear that will change.
    “Infomir is an international company operating in over 150 countries globally. As a manufacturer of multimedia devices, we are subject to copyright and related rights legislation, which we respect and adhere to,” the company says.

    “Upon receiving complaints from a copyright holder, Infomir is obliged to restrict access from its devices to any portal suspected of copyright infringement. The restriction will be maintained until the issue with the copyright holder is resolved.”

    IPTV services (both legal and less so) often supply a URL which enables MAG and similar devices to access their ‘portal’. These are entered into the device’s setup page, with the box typically being authorized at the provider’s end by verifying its MAC address against a pre-registered one.
    However, Infomir appears able to prevent certain portal URLs from being accessed via its set-top devices and there are some unconfirmed reports online which indicate this may be happening already.
    TorrentFreak spoke with Infomir to find out more about this development. Will the company block portals following straightforward copyright complaints, for example, or is a court order required?

    “The complaints need not be necessarily backed up by a court order. The form and contents of a copyright complaint must conform to the DMCA requirements,” Infomir Legal Counsel Vladislav Larionov informs TF.
    “Our policy is to comply with the EU and US legislation on copyright and take into account best practices in the area of handling of copyright infringement reports. In particular, we only process the reports of copyright infringement that contain all the elements of notification envisaged by the DMCA.”

    Some IPTV providers not only provide access to ‘pirate’ streams but also other content that has the potential to be non-infringing, depending on a users’ circumstances. For instance, there could be questions raised over legality when the holder of a UK TV license only accesses BBC One and similar channels via an IPTV service.

    Speaking in more general terms, TF asked Infomir if over-blocking is a concern. The company told us that they require detailed complaints from rightsholders to block portals and they give services that are blocked the right to file a counter-complaint.
    “We respect the rights of legitimate service providers, and we are concerned that such service providers might be reported by mistake or due to misidentification. That is why we request that copyright infringement reports submitted to us comply with the DMCA and contain a statement under penalty of perjury that the report is true and accurate,” Larionov explains.

    “We also review each copyright infringement report to prevent false or abusive ones. Finally, we provide every service provider with a possibility to oppose a copyright infringement report. In case there is a dispute between a copyright holder and a service provider, we will request a court order to maintain access restriction to a portal.”
    While copyright holders who file for blocking injunctions in court can be identified fairly easily, discovering who has filed a complaint with Infomir is less straightforward. The company told TF that it cannot provide information on who has requested a block other than to say it is mostly “big copyright holders, anti-piracy associations, and companies that provide copyright management and protection services.”

    Finally, it’s not entirely clear how MAG devices are prevented from accessing portal URLs and Infomir informs TF that it won’t provide that information as it might “downgrade” its “access restriction system”. There is already some speculation on specialist forums that firmware updates may be responsible but no clear confirmation is currently available
    ''si quieres algo que nunca tuviste, debes hacer algo que nunca hiciste.''

  5. #5
    Ayudante Experto

    Fecha de ingreso
    14 Jun, 15
    Este es el viejo anuncio de infomir

    Infomir learned about the fact of illegal interactive TV services provided to users by:


    The MAG Set-Top Boxes appear to be involved in using content without the rightholder’s consent. Governed by the current legislation, Infomir warns the OTT service providers that illegal content distribution and usage is prosecuted under copyright law.

    All service, support and sales related requests for those companies, their distributors and customers will be denied.

    We strongly recommend our partners, clients and distributors to abstain from business contacts with the above mentioned services or from any other pirate resources in order not to violate the law.

    Infomir warns that there are counterfeit MAG 250 Set-Top Boxes made in China available on the market.

    Unlike the pirate-made devices, the original MAG250 Set-Top Boxes are made in Europe using high-quality materials and advanced technologies.

    Counterfeit TV Set-Top Boxes are not working properly, have a very high rate of defective products, are incompatible with software upgrade and are not covered by warranty.

    Import and distribution of this clone boxes is illegal.

    Buy original, do not support pirate companies.

    Ahora hay otro anuncio de que cualquiera puede reportar servicio pirata e infomir investigará, bloqueará y tomará acciones legales en ultima instancia contra los infractores
    Última edición por hamal66; 31/12/2018 a las 08:23
    ''si quieres algo que nunca tuviste, debes hacer algo que nunca hiciste.''

  6. #6
    Super Moderador

    Fecha de ingreso
    27 Feb, 14
    1. Extraiga el archivo .zip en su computadora, copiar la carpeta a la raiz d la usb (se recomiendan usb Kingston o SanDisc)
    2. Inserte la usb en la MAG
    3. Desconecte la corriente de la MAG, Presione el boton de menu en su control remoto y apuntalo directo a la mag, conecta la mag a la corriente (con eso entran al bios)
    4. ya en el BIOS busken la opcion de UPGRADE TOOLS, seleccionan ‘USB Bootstrap’ solo sigan los pasos k muestre la pantalla para instalar el firmware

    Este proceso no kita los datos del servidor, pueden verificar en system info k ya tiene la nueva actualizacion, debera marca NOBLOCK

    van los archivos por si acaso, para los diferentes modelos de mag, para kitar el blokeo d infomir
    se cargan desde la usb

    el archivo unblock, trae los archivos para las diferentes mag, ya los subi separandolo para cada modelo

    MAG 250:
    MAG 254:
    MAG 256:
    MAG 322:
    MAG 324;
    si por ahora no hay blokeo, no muevan nada
    si lo llegan a mandar aki la solucion

    Última edición por terryble; 12/03/2019 a las 02:02 Razón: agregar instrucciones

  7. #7
    Miembro VIP

    Fecha de ingreso
    03 Jan, 15
    si sucede como se usaria

  8. #8
    Miembro VIP

    Fecha de ingreso
    03 Jan, 15
    para mag 254 lo baje pero no se puede descomprimir

  9. #9
    Super Moderador

    Fecha de ingreso
    27 Feb, 14
    Cita Iniciado por pitocanario Ver mensaje
    si sucede como se usaria
    agregada las instrucciones en el post anterior

    Cita Iniciado por pitocanario Ver mensaje
    para mag 254 lo baje pero no se puede descomprimir
    vuelve a bajarlo, lo acabo de checar y si funciona, te recomeindo usar el navegador firefox

  10. #10
    Miembro VIP

    Fecha de ingreso
    18 Feb, 15
    estaremos al pendiente amigo terrible todavia mi dinosaurio esta trabajando de pelos



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